Thursday, June 11, 2015


 11 Tips for Holding a Moving Sale

The less you pack, the less you move, and the less you unpack. Having a moving sale is a great way to get rid of things that are no longer used regularly, and is also a good way to make some extra cash. Her are 11 tips for hosting a moving sale:
1-      Make a rule, and set it in stone, before you start deciding on what to get rid of. Choose a certain amount of time that an item has not been used, and stick to that time, when deciding if it is something you should hang onto or sell. If it hasn’t been used in a year, then you probably won’t miss it!
2-      Choose a number of items per day that you are going to plan on putting in the “moving sale” pile. This will ensure that you continue to decide to get rid of items, and you aren’t stuck with few items to sell when you moving sale day arrives.
3-      Invite friends! By inviting friends to help on sale day, you can feel less pressure on you to talk to and answer questions from people who stop to look at your items. Providing pizza and drinks is usually all it takes for a few friends to jump on board to help. It can also be useful to invite friends over when rummaging through items to sell. Friends have no problem telling you whether or not you will actually use something you haven’t touched in months, and will probably encourage you to part ways with things you might think you still need.
4-      Quickly wiping down and cleaning items can make them more appealing to potential customers. By taking the time to make sure items look presentable, more things will be sold, resulting in more cash and less clutter for you. A little dusting can go a long way!
5-      Organize your sale. Place all clothing in one area, all toys in another, electronics together etc.. This will make it easier for customers to browse when they are looking for specific items, as well as being easier on you when a customer might ask if you have something they are looking for.
6-      Advertise! By getting the word out about your sale, you will increase the number of people who come looking for items. Facebook and Craigslist are great, free ways to spread the word about your moving sale. Newspapers can also be a good place for advertisement, and a great way to reach people who do not use social media and internet. Good old fashioned signs on telephone poles are helpful too, and should be hung at least a week before the date of the sale. Using bright colored poster board and bold lettering is the best way to attract the attention of people walking and driving through busy intersections. Be sure to include the date, location and time when advertising for your moving sale.
7- Put price stickers on the items you are selling. It is much easier to have customers know what you are selling an item for immediately when they pick it up, as opposed to having to ask somebody about the price of every item. Keep in mind, lower prices sell items. The more fairly the items are priced, the more items you will sell.
8- If time winds down, and you still have a lot of items left to sell, it is beneficial for you to mark the prices down. This will help to get rid of the remaining for sale items, and will get you cash for things you will probably end up donating if they don’t sell.
9- Refreshments! People are drawn to food and drinks. If you have any children, have them set up a lemonade stand with cups of lemonade and cookies. Not only does this keep the children involved, but people have trouble saying no to stopping and buying lemonade from cute children!
10- Make sure you have change for big bills. When customers decide to purchase something you are selling, the last thing you want to have to do is run to the bank to break a $50 dollar bill. Having a good amount of singles, fives, and tens, as well as quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies is crucial.

11- Start your sale early, people who regularly go to yard sales, generally like to go first thing in the morning. Remember, “The early bird gets the worm!” is a motto often used, and shoppers are prepared to be the first ones to arrive at your yard sale.


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